Getting Involved

Many hands make light work! There are no paid roles at the Pack level, we operate completely on family volunteers. We ask every family to volunteer for a role, task, or some way to help the Pack during the year.

There are many opportunities for you to be involved in the life of the Pack. Our parents serve as Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, Pack Committee Members, Pinewood Derby Committee, Service Project Committee, Popcorn Committee, and in many more positions. Some jobs are year-round; others are a one-time or annual project.

Regardless of how much or how little time you have available to commit there is something for everyone! PLEASE ASK HOW YOU CAN HELP. With today’s busy schedules we need everyone to do their share so your Scout can have an AWESOME scouting experience. A commitment is critical to keep the Pack growing and ensure that everyone has a stake in the success of the Pack.

Examples of roles we’d love help with:

  • Committee Secretary
  • Den Leaders
  • Service Projects Coordinator
  • Special Events Coordinator(s)
  • Blue & Gold Committee
  • Website / Social Coordinator

Why I’m a Leader

I’m not a Cub Scout Leader for the easy hours, high pay, parents’ gratitude, power or prestige. I’m a leader because:

I want the world for your sons and daughters and mine to be a world they can shape and help shape, a world of love and laughter, where they can show compassion. 

I want them to be able to look at the stars, a sunrise, a sunset, the work and the world of man and feel their beauty inside themselves. 

I want to help them to learn to finish anything they start and do it well and to guide them to know their worth with a deeper understanding of themselves. 

I want to help shape youth/people who have strength of character and are sensitive to the needs of others. 

I want them to be the best they can be. I’m giving of myself and my time. I reap the rewards far beyond what I give. I receive from children and future generations a better world.

I am a Cub Scout Leader because I care.

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