Event Calendar

The following Google Calendar details our upcoming events. Our program calendar runs from September through August of each year, and new calendar dates are uploaded around July/August.

Regular pack meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of most months, and typically held at Anacortes Lutheran Church. Date and location may change throughout the year to accommodate family and church schedules, so please reach out via email if you’re joining us for the first time.

Committee meetings are typically held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. All Cub Scout parents & guardians are welcome and encouraged to join these events.

Some event details are kept private and sent to pack members by email for privacy. Please contact us if you have questions regarding an event or want to join us for the first time.

Subscribe to Calendar Events

You can subscribe to calendar events in Google Calendar, Outlook, or other calendar apps by adding this iCal/ics link:


Here are instructions for how to subscribe in Google Calendar (section: “Use a link to add a public calendar”) and Apple Calendar. Search “how to subscribe to ics in {{app name}}” for instructions on other calendar apps.

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